Programme of the parallel sessions – October 6th, 2022

The contributions are accessible at the following LINK; participants are invited to read them before the session.

Each presentation will last approximately 20-30 minutes and will be organised as follows: 10 minutes for introduction by the speaker*; 5 minutes for the discussant*; 5 minutes for debate and possible counter-arguments by the speakers.

The elements to highlight by the discussants will be:
– what problem the presented research paper seeks to address?
– what is the innovative aspect of the presented research paper?

LINK to research papers

* Amongst the speakers we have inserted all the possible authors of the abstract (who can identify the presenting author). For the discussant, we have inserted the name of the corresponding author (the discussant may also be a different co-author).


Group 1A – AULA 2 – 14:00-16:00 – chair Gigliola Paviotti

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Antonio MarzanoThe automatic processing of customized feedback
in learning environments: the COFACTOR system
Maria Ranieri
Delio De Martino, Andrea Tinterri, Anna DipaceAssessment as learning with Mentimeter: gamifying
classrooms with user-created multiple choice quizzes
Antonio Marzano
Maria Ranieri, Ilaria Ancillotti, Alice RoffiInteractions and formative conversations in the classroom: a research study on the co-construction of the lecture in the
training of special education teachers
Filomena Faiella
Faiella F., Albano G., Attolino P., Castaldi M.C., Giordano M., Lombardi M.G., Mannese E., Mascolo V., Ricciardi M., Savarese G.Self-assessment, feedback and eye tracking glasses: an international and interdisciplinary study to improve higher education teachingDelio De Martino

Group 1B – AULA 9 – 14:00-16:00: chair Grazia Romanazzi

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Graziano Cecchinato, Laura Carlotta Foschi
Peer-feedback: a resource for innovation in university teachingFederica Picasso
Simone Betti, Francesca FratiniGeography and new assessment in the Montessori methodFlavia Stara
Flavia StaraFunction and Con-validation of Knowledge. Re-reading PragmatismSimone Betti
Anna Serbati, Beatrice Doria, Federica Picasso, Anastasiya LipnevichGrades: supporter or enemy of the learning process? Evidence
from the literature
Graziano Cecchinato

Group 1C – AULA MAGNA – 14:00-16:00: chair Andrea Tarantino

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Angela MagnaniniCooperative learning: a challenge for assessment and inclusionCatia Giaconi
Catia Giaconi, Arianna Taddei, Noemi Del Bianco, Silvia Ceccacci, Ilaria D’Angelo, Simone Aparecida CapelliniInclusive evaluation strategies and face emotional feedback. A
pilot study with students with Dyslexia
Debora Aquario
Anna Rosa DusconiInclude innovation without exclusivityAngela Magnanini
Ignacio Pais, Debora AquarioTowards an accessible assessment. Implications and
proposals from a case study
Anna Rosa Dusconi


Group 2A  – AULA MAGNA – 16:15-18:15: chair Rosita Deluigi

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Francesco C. Ugolini, Enrico Bocci, Andrea Maresca, Fabrizio Fontana, Matteo MartiniRemote workshops in online university teaching and new approaches to feedbackFranco Bochicchio
Franco Bochicchio, Valentina Pennazio, Samantha Armani, Sissi
Pisano, Sara Samolo
Knowledge co-construction and Self-directed learningFrancesco Claudio Ugolini
Miriam Cuccu, Francesca MondinProfessionalizing guidelines between laboratory teaching,
feedback and shared learning
Francesca Crudele
Francesca Crudele, Juliana E. RaffaghelliArgument maps as comparator for internal feedback: comprehension text and critical
thinking laboratory
Miriam Cuccu

Group 2B – AULA 2 – 16:15-18:15: chair Flavia Stara, Simone Betti

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Katia MontalbettiInnovating grassroots but forward thinking! Lessons learned for assessing in higher educationChiara Laici
Maila Pentucci, Chiara LaiciPeer review and Peer Feedback for the promotion of Feedback
Literacy. A higher education experience using the “Ladder of
Feedback” tool
Mirca Montanari
Valentina Grion, Beatrice Doria, Federica Picasso, Anastasiya LipnevichDifferent types of feedback and their effects on performance: What works and what doesn’t?Maila Pentucci
Mirca MontanariAssessment of learning for and with students in the promotion
of inclusion at University
Valentina Grion

Group 2C  – AULA 9 – 16:15-18:15: chair George Richard Paul Santi

Speaker(s)Title of the presentationDiscussant
Federica Pelizzari, Maria Cristina Garbui, Pier Cesare RivoltellaRe-Evaluating at University: a proposal for Embedded
Assessment in Primary Education labs
Giovanna Cioci
Victoria I. Marín, Merve Zayim-Kurtay, Yasar Kondakci, Sevgi Kaya-Kasikci, Yesim Capa-Aydin, Svenja BedenlierOnline Assessment Opportunities and Challenges for Higher EducationMelania Talarico
Barbara Bruschi, Manuela Repetto, Melania TalaricoParticipatory evaluation in gamified teaching and learningVictoria I. Marín
Giovanna CiociFeedback devices designed for teacher training between school and universityFederica Pelizzari

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